I agree. Another one which disturbs me is the 'Millions now living will never die' subject first brought to the public in 1918,
" ... A public talk titled "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living May Never
Die" was first delivered on February 24, 1918 in Los Angeles,
California. Five weeks later, on March 31, 1918 the title was changed to
indicate absolute certainty: "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living
Will Never Die." The public talk continued to be delivered under that
same title until 1925..."
A short five weeks later the wording was changed to a more 'accurate' understanding, as the light was getting brighter and brighter. Now we go to the jw.org library and look at the WT of Feb 15, 2015, in the article 'The Spirit and the Bride Keep On Saying: ‘Come!’ par 8, their '21st century words' say the following:
"...The anointed followers of Christ have been extending the invitation since as far back as 1918. In that year, the public talk entitled “Millions Now Living May Never Die”
offered hope that many will gain life in a paradise earth after the
battle of Armageddon. A talk given at the convention of Bible Students
at Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., in 1922 urged listeners to ‘advertise the
King and his kingdom.’ This appeal helped the remnant of the bride class
to reach more people with the invitation. In 1929, the March 15 issue
of The Watchtower contained an article entitled “Gracious Invitation,” with Revelation 22:17
as its theme text. In part, the article stated: “The faithful remnant
class join [the Most High] in the gracious invitation and say, ‘Come.’
This message is to be proclaimed to those who have a desire for
righteousness and truth. It must be done now.” To this day, the bride class continues to extend that invitation..."
Now it is true that the initial heading did say 'may', however, an honest and truthful recounting of this important subject would have noted the change.
This is what really frosts me about the Watchtower and their '21st century words'. Covering over, ignoring and intentionally disregarding important historical facts. They would be view as more honourable purveyors of history if they owned up to these facts. The effect is to stain everything they say, causing honest researchers to wonder if anything they say it truthful. The result is that, instead of people looking to their words for guidance, they closely examine everything to see if more untruths or deceptive words can be found. It is certainly doing a disservice to honest students of history.
What is further annoying is the extent the Society will go to to prove the 607 and 1914 dates, squeezing, massaging and manipulating every drop of evidence out of every scripture and historical account. Blatant covering over modern day historical facts brings a measure of guilt and adds to their accountability.